Time flies when you are having fun!

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January 27, 2006

January 27, 2006

About Me

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I am Brooke. I love my husband. I love my daughter. I love my job because I can pick and choose my schedule and stay home with Harper the majority of the time. I love to do DIY projects. And I love my life!

Race Track

Race Track
Juan, Camie, Josh, Me

CPK Goodbye dinner

CPK Goodbye dinner
Josh, Erin, Brooke, Josh, Brandon, Camie, Juan. Right before we moved to Texas from Cali.

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Food Storage Made Easy

So, as some of you know, I've been working on my food storage. I found this wonderful website that has been very helpful in not feeling overwhelmed in starting a food storage. One of the steps to take is to (obviously) have somewhere to store the food/water. We have a very small house and not much storage. We decided to open up underneath our stairs so we can have some extra storage space for the food storage. I'm so excited for it to get finished. And I love the space because it's downstairs, very close to the kitchen so if I ever need to get anything, it will be fairly easy.

Josh started working on it on Friday (basically I came home to a house that was covered in dust from him cutting a huge hole in the wall). I was very excited, though, cuz I've been asking him to do it for a few weeks now, but he's just been so busy at work to start. So on Saturday, we went to Home Depot and got the majority of the supplies we needed.

First, Josh had to rewire a few things so that there wasn't an electrical wire right across the middle of the entrance. He also put in two lights and a light switch.

Second was to clean up all of the trash that the workers who built our house decided to leave in there, since we would never know.

Third was to lay some 2x4's down so that we would have something to nail the floor (which is just made out of plywood) into. You might wonder why we didn't just use the concrete as a floor, and I'm not quite sure what the answer is except on the Food Storage Made Easy website, it says not to store your water directly on concrete, so we raised the floor a little and put down plywood. I'm definitely going to get some type of cheap rug or something to put on top of the walking area so that I don't get splinters while I walk on it.

That's basically all that's done right now. We still have to put up the shelves (which he hopefully will get home early enough to do today) and then we need to find a door that will fit the hole in the wall. We are hoping to find one standard but since the door is going to be pretty short (I will have to get on my knees in order to get in) we might have to special order one.

YAY for food storage. I will definitely post pictures of the finished product, but as for now, this is what we have finished. I'm so excited.
Here is the big hole in the wall. This is right inside the hole to the left. This is where we plan to store our water. You can also see where some of the wiring that he did.
In this picture, Josh is hammering down the floor. You can also see the light he put in.

Same as the picture above. Where he is sitting right now, though, you can actually stand all the way up back there, so I'm excited for all of the storage that I am going to be able to get out of that part.

It's a lot bigger of an area than I had expected. I can't believe we haven't opened this space up sooner. I'm excited.


Jen said...

Whoa! That's cool! You'll have to show me on Friday! :)

Maren and Dustin said...

K, so jealous! I'm storing food storage in my room (along with all the other misc crap at my house) and I would probably be more motivated to actually have a food storage plan if I had a designated place for it.

And Josh has skills...we'll keep that in mind, seeing as he's our home teacher!

Janssen said...

What an awesome way to use your space!